I am Divyam Rawal, a Big Boy from a small-town Panipat. I have done lot of real-life projects because of my networking capability as well as the ability to accept all challenges. Presently I am working on understanding the philosophy of emotion and how Brands targets specific emotion of product to user for sale to the masses and seeking profitability. I will be happy to showcase the Research and application of the emotional deed and how to use them to make your product a perfect piece of work.
The Whole Project is based on Ups and Downs of getting an opportunity of Starting a New Brand after Graduation which is both Tech Savvy as well as Design driven. This Project has a number of adventures in terms of how a Designer without any CS programming knowledge is able to develop one of best-selling Car Android Head unit. A product Designer looking for Company/Brand Collaboration for developing Software’s in Automotive Sector.