School of Design (masters):

Nikhilnaarayan K
My Portfolio : Click here
Before I was an industrial designer, I was a mechanical engineer. But before I was an engineer, I was a pretty average student. And as a student, my entire life revolved around the concept of knowledge, both the process of acquiring it, and also the process of deciphering it. And unbeknownst to many of us, our unconscious self usually forgets its earlier association with knowledge by the time we reach greater heights in life, both as individuals and as a part of the community that we desire to fit into. However, for reasons unknown to me, I’ve carried on and on with the student-tradition of adhering strongly to knowledge acquiring and deciphering processes, even into my early adulthood and through various fields of study. And for this reason, my association with any aspect of life that deals with interesting titbits of knowledge has always been rather high and extensive, encompassing diverse fields.
Graduation Project
Project Title – Prevent Plastics – Resource Efficiency Monitoring Solution
Project Sponsor – STENUM Asia
Myanmar has been facing considerable challenges with the management of waste in the recent past. A key requirement for improving the waste management operations in Myanmar is to prevent the waste that is currently going to landfills and marine ecosystems to be diverted and utilized as an input resource for other productive economic purposes. Hence, the main objective of the assignment under the PREVENT PLASTICS project is to develop a web-based, resource efficiency monitoring system (REMS) that will help enterprises monitor their resources efficiently and thus reduce their operating costs. A specific “easy to remember” name and an associated URL will be created for this platform. The end deliverables for this assignment were the UI/ UX designs for both mobile and desktop browser versions of the platform and design of the output reports and associated elements.